Fairmount Presbyterian to install new senior pastor on Sept. 29

Rev. Derek Starr Redwine
Rev. Derek Starr Redwine will be formally installed as the new senior pastor of Fairmount Presbyterian Church in Cleveland Heights on Sunday, Sept. 29. The installation will be conducted during a special 4:30 p.m. worship service in the church’s sanctuary.
The special guest preacher will be Rev. Amy Miracle, the pastor of the Broad Street Presbyterian Church in Columbus. Also taking part in the service will be officials of the Presbytery of the Western Reserve and two Fairmount choirs.
The church's newly elected lay leaders—elders, trustees and deacons—will also be installed on Sept. 29. A dinner at the church will follow the service.
Members of Fairmount Presbyterian Church voted on June 9 to call Redwine as their new senior minister and head of staff. Redwine was previously the senior minister at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Akron for seven years. Before that he was an associate pastor and acting head of staff at Central Presbyterian Church in Denver, and interim director of families and young adults at Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Miami University and a Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary.
Fairmount Presbyterian Church (www.fairmountchurch.org) is located at 2757 Fairmount Blvd. (at Coventry Road) in Cleveland Heights.
Joe Mosbrook
Joe Mosbrook is a longtime broadcast reporter and author who now chairs the Communications Committee of Fairmount Presbyterian Church.