Forest Hill Church plans outdoor worship and community supper for Aug. 17
Forest Hill Church, Presbyterian will hold an outdoor summer worship service and community supper on Saturday, Aug. 17. The informal service will begin at 5 p.m. Immediately after the service, all are invited to stay for a free community supper provided by members of the church and open to everyone.
The service will feature a message by Patrick Davis, founder and director of Cleveland-based Scars and Bars, a group that works to support ex-felons through a network of mentors, churches, nonprofits and employers. Davis, a former inmate and frequent Forest Hill Church visitor, will speak about prison ministry and the importance of empowering and caring for inmates, ex-felons and those on the fringes of society.
Music director Anne Wilson, who many Heights High students and parents know through her work with the school's vocal music department, said the musical selections will include a return of last year’s popular steel drums and will “appeal to all ages and faiths.” Caleb Wright of the Wright Family Singers, along with other alumni of the award-winning Cleveland Heights High Barbershop Group, will also return.
Forest Hill Church, Presbyterian is located across from Forest Hill Park, at 3031 Monticello Blvd. For more information, call 216-321-2660 or visit
Peg Weissbrod
Peg Weissbrod is a freelance writer and web editor for Forest Hill Church in Cleveland Heights.