Fairmount Presbyterian Church selects new minister

Rev. Derek Redwine is the new minister of Fairmount Presbyterian Church.

On June 9, members of Fairmount Presbyterian Church in Cleveland Heights voted to call Rev. Derek Starr Redwine as their new senior minister and head of staff. The 262-6 vote was overwhelmingly in favor of the appointment, with seven abstentions.

Redwine has been the senior minister at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Akron for the past seven years. Before that, he was an associate pastor and acting head of staff at Central Presbyterian Church in Denver, and interim director of families and young adults at Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Miami University and Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary.

The 40-year-old minister is scheduled to begin his new assignment July 9 and will lead Sunday services at Fairmount for the first time on July 14, at 8:30 and 10 a.m.  He and his wife, Amy, the associate pastor at the Akron church, have three young children and plan to move to the Cleveland area.

The congregation also voted to retain Rev. Eric Dillenbeck as Fairmount’s associate pastor. Dillenbeck and Rev. Martha “Missy” Shiverick have been serving as co-interim pastors while Fairmount’s Pastor Nominating Committee searched for a new senior minister.

Fairmount Presbyterian Church (www.fairmountchurch.org) is located at 2757 Fairmount Blvd. (at Coventry Road) in Cleveland Heights.

Joe Mosbrook

Joe Mosbrook is a longtime broadcast reporter and author who now chairs the Communications Committee of Fairmount Presbyterian Church.

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Volume 6, Issue 7, Posted 9:12 AM, 06.11.2013