HRRC Financial Assistance Program gearing up for a busy season
With spring upon us, and inspectors preparing for exterior systematic inspections, homeowners should look to their local nonprofit, Home Repair Resource Center (HRRC) for assistance.
HRRC has everything a homeowner might need to successfully manage home repairs. From workshops on contracting repairs to tool rentals, HRRC is ready to help.
Some homeowners may not have the resources to handle a large and expensive repair, like roof replacement, where the cost can run into the thousands of dollars. HRRC’s Financial Assistance Programs can help make financing these repairs possible.
Qualified applicants are eligible for grants that, in conjunction with special financing options through a partnership between HRRC and KeyBank, make monthly loan payments more affordable. For homeowners with past credit problems, HRRC’s loan guarantee may be a way for them to access conventional financing and rebuild their credit.
Even if money is no object, contracting repairs can be a challenge. No one can afford to waste money or have it taken from them, so homeowners can benefit from having HRRC on their side.
The first step is for homeowners to learn about the ins and outs of contracting a job, and about the needed repair itself. The handouts and videos in HRRC’s Resource Library can provide essential information to help inform a homeowner before he even starts to get estimates. HRRC’s contractor evaluation book can homeowners identify contractors that may be right for a job.
Seniors are eligible for special services through HRRC’s Senior Repair Program (SRP) which empowers seniors with the tools and information needed to successfully complete home repairs. Program participants receive a home assessment that looks at the condition of mechanical systems, aging in place, security, energy efficiency and potentially needed upgrades.
Participating seniors can also receive assistance with developing written specifications for repairs identified during the assessment, so bidding contractors give estimates that can be easily compared to each other. In addition, they get help with comparing and evaluating those estimates, which in most instances can mean the difference between a good and bad contracting experience.
Wesley Walker
Wesley Walker is HRRC's coordinator of financial and senior programs.