September walks at The Lake View Cemetery
Lake View Cemetery announces three walking tours in late September.
Saturday, Sept. 22, 10 a.m. to noon: Veterans of the Civil War Walking Tour
The Lake View Cemetery remembers the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War, with this tour. Many of the brave soldiers who fought in America’s Civil War are buried at Lake View, including President James A. Garfield, who commanded the 42nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry (OVI), and Major General Mortimer D. Leggett. Other veterans’ burial sites included in the tour are James Walker, who perished as a result of the First Battle of Bull Run; Oliver Hazard Payne, who led the 124th OVI and was seriously injured at Chickamauga; and the frail 61-year-old woman who organized the Northeast Ohio Soldier’s Aid Society. Marjorie Wilson, local historian and active member of the Cleveland Civil War Roundtable will lead this tour.
Sunday, Sept. 23, 2–4 p.m.: It’s Official, from a High Flyer to a President Walking Tour
This tour will explore some intriguing burial sites of public officials who held important government jobs. The ambassador who greeted Charles Lindberg after his trans-Atlantic flight is here in The Lake View Cemetery; and so is the person who sponsored the Lemon Law, which provides protections for consumers who purchase defective cars, or "lemons".
Saturday, Sept. 29, 10 a.m. to noon: Coppers, Mobsters & Robbers Walking Tour
Eliot Ness. The Sam Shepard murder case. The Sly-Fanner murder case. These are some of the notable personalities and cases in Cleveland's legal history. Allan May, historian of organized crime, will lead this tour and explain what happened in some of these notorious cases.
All tours meet at the Garfield Monument, and the cost per tour is $10 per person. Reservations and prepayment are required for all tours. For additional information and to register, call 216-421-2687 of e-mail
The Lake View Cemetery, founded in 1869, is a treasure chest of architecture, geology, sculpture, animal life and horticulture. The Cemetery’s history and heritage includes names of those who contributed to Ohio’s and nation’s industrial, civic, social, and cultural development, such as John D. Rockefeller, Garrett Morgan, Adella Prentiss Hughes, Jane Edna Hunter, and President James A. Garfield.
Kim Sergio Inglis
Kim Sergio Inglis is editor-in-chief of the Heights Observer. She lives in the Shaker Farm Historic District in Cleveland Heights.