Explore Montessori-based program at Hope Lutheran Church
Families looking for a Montessori-based Christian education program are invited to a Godly Play Festival at Hope Lutheran Church on Saturday, Feb. 18, from 1 to 3 p.m. Hope Lutheran is located at 2222 North Taylor Road in Cleveland Heights.
Based on the Montessori teaching principles popular in many elementary schools, Godly Play is a hands-on, storytelling, individual-based form of learning. During the festival, parents and children will learn firsthand what Godly Play offers.
Children will have an opportunity to play at the various stations, enjoy arts and crafts, and unwind over hot cocoa, treats, and afternoon snacks and refreshments. It will serve as an introduction to the weekly Christian education program offered at Hope Lutheran Church on Sunday mornings at 11 a.m.
The Godly Play Festival is free and open to the public, and aimed at families with children in pre-K through grade 6. For more information, call 216-371-5252 or visit Hope Lutheran’s website at www.hopelutheran-clehts.com.

Rev. Donald King
Donald King, a resident of Cleveland Heights since 1985, is pastor of Hope Lutheran Church and an active participant in the Heights InterFaith Council.