Local history enthusiasts needed to help create mobile phone tours
FutureHeights, the Cleveland Heights Historical Society and the Cleveland Heights Landmarks Commission, are partnering with Cleveland State University's Center for Public History + Digital Humanities this year to develop content for the Cuyahoga Arts and Culture grant-funded "Historic Heights Mobile App Tours" project. The project will add 40 sites to the existing Cleveland Historical mobile app (for iPhone and Android), corresponding to four focal points in Cleveland Heights: Coventry Village, Dugway Brook, Euclid Golf, and Noble Road.
The project organizers seek dedicated, detail-oriented volunteers to research a list of sites for the app. Volunteers should be proficient in researching local history and have experience with (or an openness to learn) scanning of historical photos, using the Plain Dealer Historical Index, or conducting oral history interviews.
Volunteers will contribute 300–400-word narratives, images, and short captions to a WordPress blog, a convenient place that allows easy editing before transferring to the app. Training sessions will be conducted to explain the concept and content of app sites, how to use the blog, and the process of conducting oral histories.
The active research phase of the project will run from February through April. For more information, call FutureHeights at 216-320-1423 or send an e-mail to info@futureheights.org
Deanna Bremer Fisher
Deanna Bremer Fisher is executive director of FutureHeights and publisher of the Heights Observer.