Church of the Redeemer puts the emphasis on community and youth outreach
Church of the Redeemer, a United Methodist congregation, views acceptance, diversity and inclusiveness as central aspects of the church. This also means that "Open Minds, Open Doors, Open Hearts" is not just a slogan, but a way of life. At Church of the Redeemer, everyone is welcome at God's Table.
Reverend Karen Graham and Kate Klaber, church secretary, like to talk about community and youth involvement and their outreach programs. Graham has been pastor of Church of the Redeemer since 2005. Kate Klaber has served as secretary since 2004, but has been a member of the congregation for 31 years. They believe it is essential for a church to be involved in the community and have outreach programs that reach all ages.
Graham and Klaber recently talked about the ways in which Church of the Redeemer engages youth in the community. Youth groups and classes for 7th–12th graders meet weekly. The activities the young people take part in include discussions, service projects, and spiritual development.
"I believe it’s important for youth to feel needed, and I think the church can help provide that sense of belonging and acceptance. We held a year-long class on bullying this past school year, which was well received by our youth," said Reverend Graham.
Church of the Redeemer is always interested in finding new ways to engage the community and seeks others who have an interest in being part of this effort. Reverend Graham said, "I would be very open to finding more ways for our church to engage youth—providing, for example, a safe space for youth to gather, getting youth involved in some hands-on mission work, giving youth a forum to speak on the issues that matter to them."
To learn more about Church of the Redeemer and its community outreach programs call (216) 932-2065 or visit the church’s website at
Jeanette Sloan
Jeanette Sloan, an environmental studies major at Cleveland State University, is an intern at FutureHeights.