Volunteers needed for Heights area projects
Gardening at Fairfax Elementary
Kim Bischof, the science coach at Fairfax Elementary, would like help with gardening projects at the school. If interested, call the school at e-mail 216-371-7480 or k_bischof@chuh.org.
Tutors at Fairfax Elementary
Fairfax Elementary needs two tutors per day from 3:30-4 p.m. to help students with homework in the after school program. Contact Mrs. Stringer at 216-371-7480 or j_stringer@chuh.org.
Volunteers for book drive
If you are interested in volunteering for a book drive to benefit CH-UH schools, or want to find out other ways you can get involved in Go Public! Great Schools are Everybody’s Business, call 371-3753 or e-mail joanspoerl@sbcglobal.net. (See related story on page 10)
Coventry Elementary School Garden and Playground Cleanup Day
Help clean up one of our area's best assets on Saturday, April 16, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., rain or shine. All volunteers are welcome, garden tools are provided, a continental breakfast to get you started and lunch to keep you going will be served to the volunteers. No experience is necessary, just enthusiasm for playing in the dirt and having fun with others from our community.