Michael Troy Watson, Candidate for Cuyahoga County Council-District 10, Independent
1) Describe the duties of the members of the County Council.
There will be 11 Members of the County Council. This should prepare the County for 11 New Watchdogs over the public interests. The duties other than as described in the Charter Article III are more responsibly described as a duty to return Cuyahoga County to being a government of honesty, reliability, and an open government of the people.
The citizens of Cuyahoga County will being given a new LIGHT TO ILLUMINATE EVERY CORNER OF their County Government for open examination of the millions of dollars that the Council will control, where no light has shone before.
2) Why do you want to serve on the County Council?
There are Democrats...DiMora, Russo, and the Local Democratic Machine Politics. There are Republicans...Continued partisan politics....and there are INDEPENDENTS...a true and fresh NON-PARTY APPROACH. Sarah Palin is a Leader of the Tea Party. The entire Tea Party Movement is a result of the partisan abuses of the Democrats and the Republicans. Many of us intend to hold our collective noses when we vote in November. How many of us would like to vote "None of the Above"? Well, they can by a "Non-Party" vote for Michael Troy Watson..."I am not one of them!"
3) What qualifications do you bring that make you the most qualified?
Harvard Law School (P.I.L.), Cleveland-Marshall College of Law (J.D.), NRA Certified Gun Trainer, Real Estate Self-Employment, and the survival skills of a Lifetime. I am a primary care-giver for my Elderly Parents, (Thomas S Watson Sr. (91), and Geraldine Watson (86), so I have an intimate knowledge of the concerns of the Elderly. I am determined, ambitious, and, the will to persevere. I am young enough to understand and work hard and old enough to 'know better' this makes me the better candidate.
4) What will you do in your first weeks?
We will need to examine the Millions of dollars in contracts that are, even as we speak, being let out to contractors who will both legitimately and fraudulently use the taxpayers dollars with reckless abandon. When the contracts are frozen and examined with the exception of the operating budget necessary to serve the public interests, they can be reissued through the New Council if they were truly in the best interests of the people.
5) How will we know you are doing a good job?
That is not hard...just ask!! Come to my office...online by website...call...email...snail mail. I intend to disseminate info about every vote and action. Eventually, it is important that the citizens can see, touch, and feel the results of what they have done. They cleaned house of Partisans and..."I am not one of them!!!"
I am a Student of Islam, a supporter of the Tea Party, and an Independent who was a Reagan Republican. (I have the Awards and Certificates to prove it) and an 'Obamacrat' (Obama for America, Ward 5 organizer). Today, I am before the Electorate as an Independent for Council....."I am not One of Them!!!"