Sustainability week a success
More than 40 events took place during Sustainability Week. When the week was initially conceived by the Sustainable Heights Network, no one knew if there would be enough events to fill the week. In the end, there were so many it was difficult to decide which ones to attend. Before the week started, Sustainable Heights had around 70 members on its mailing list; at the end of the week it had 200.
One event that embodied the values of Sustainability Week was Adopt a Tree. Sponsored by the Funny Times Peace Fund and Council Gardens, the event was organized by Sue Wolpert of the Funny Times. With support from Cleveland Botanical Gardens, Klyne Nursery, and Lawn Lad, the event gave residents the opportunity to adopt one or more trees for their yards. The trees were free with the adopters' promise to care for them. Experts on tree planting and tree care were there to teach adopters how to plant their tree and how to take care of it. Wolpert said that one of her best memories of the day was “seeing a tree sticking out the top of a car roof window on its way to a new home.”
Another highlight of the week was the series of events that took place on Oct. 9 around Coventry. A combination of hard work and beautiful weather allowed for the success of all of the events that day. More than 100 people participated in the Play Date in the Heights event. They had an opportunity to reconnect with nature and embrace their playful sides. "It was hectic, it was wild, it was fun," said Dawn Alber of Meadowsweet Farm. "The week was a great celebration of sustainability and community."
Marissa Williams is a graduate student at CWRU and intern at FutureHeights.