Mr. Brisket wants you! To help send salamis to the troops -again.

Mr. Brisket has just shipped its first salami to 1st Lt. John Moffatt, who is serving outside Kandahar, Afghanistan. Lt. Moffatt and his unit are responsible for developing relationships with local villages, protecting them from the Taliban and eliminating the Taliban threat.
The holidays are a great time to show our support for the men and women in our armed forces. Mister Brisket is asking Heights families to help in sending all-beef salamis to those serving our country.
All salamis are dried prior to shipping and sent with Cleveland’s own Stadium Mustard. Each will have a note of support from the contributor. Donors will be e-mailed when their salami has shipped and told where it has been sent.
Last year Mr. Brisket set a goal of 100 salamis. With Heights families' support, they sent 400. This year the goal is 500. The cost is $20 per salami, including mustard and shipping.
For more information or to participate call 216-932-8620 or e-mail