College Tour Piques Interest

Heights High students Sydney Gatta, Joe Day, and Chase Bell (L-R) and 76 classmates toured four Ohio college campuses, and liked what they saw.

With Spring in the air, thoughts turned to future Falls for 79 Height High sophomores and juniors as they toured four Ohio homes of higher learning: The University of Toledo, Bowling Green State University, The Ohio State University, and the College of Wooster.Students from all five Small Schools (Legacy, Mosaic, PRIDE, REAL, and Renaissance) participated in the trip in early March, with four major goals in mind.

The trip provided students with information that will complement what they receive from the guidance department; motivated them to maintain good grades to keep their college options open; reminded them that college is a real possibility; and broadened their experience and horizons.Admissions officers at each school talked about requirements. The high schoolers also talked to current students, visited classrooms, dining halls, dorms, fitness centers, and the OSU Horseshoe.

Three students – Chase Bell, Joe Day and Sydney Gatta – appreciated the opportunity and said that talking to current college students was very helpful.Chase Bell liked hearing the college staff clearly describe college schedules and expectations. He was impressed with the number of classes offered at OSU, and he liked seeing the athletic facilities. He plans to play football in college and study sports medicine.Joe Day liked Toledo and was impressed with the scholarships offered there. He especially remembers one student who told him that focusing on high school now will help him later. He plans to study sociology. Sydney Gatta enjoyed visiting Bowling Green. She appreciated hearing more details about what is required for admission and was surprised to learn that many college students do not finish their degree. She plans to study nursing or sports medicine.There was no charge to the 79 members of the Heights High Classes of 2011 and 2012, as they continued to explore where they might be members of the Classes of 2015, 2016, and beyond.

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Volume 3, Issue 5, Posted 10:42 AM, 04.16.2010