Albert Oberst's County Council Observer Interview
Albert Knute Oberst, JD, 76, Republican. Cleveland Heights. Job: Retired volunteer, living on pensions and stock income. Also, I will not take a paycheck....I am giving back.
1. Describe for us the duties of a member of the County Council.
I have reviewed the Cuyahoga County Charter and I fully understand the depth and breadth of Article 3. Having spent about 30 years in government I am very familiar with all of those responsibilities. Appointing, establishing procedure, budget and management, etc, are all duties I am familiar with, having spent 18 years with Cuyahoga County.
Having worked as an assistant to George Voinovich when he was County Commissioner made me aware of most of these requirements. Senator Voinovich appointed me an Interim County Commissioner. See and you can understand my County background. Included are Economic Development, World Trade, Budget and Management, Management Information Systems, preparing Request for Audits, etc, all have prepared me. Included are my experiences with the City of Cleveland as an assistant director of the Human Resources and Economic Development and Port Control (Hopkins airport).
2. Why do you want to serve on the County Council?
Having the above mentioned experience makes me uniquely qualified to perform. That is, I have the motivation, aptitude and training to start off the new county government as a successful operation.
3. What qualifications do you bring that make you the most qualified?
See 1) and 2) above.
4. What will you do in your first weeks? Please describe in detail, to give our readers an idea of what this position will actually be like.
The best way to assure a proper start next January is in the preparation. I have been attending many of the transition meetings that have been provided. In the coming months I will continue to attend these meetings and learn what is necessary to get a headstart. I anticipate many hours of "hard and smart" work with all of the other council members.
I, also, intend to meet with many of the departments and determine what their needs are. It will be imperative that the
new county executive will plan many meetings in preparation for January 2011. Since my particular expertise is in economic development and international competition, I will be one of the leaders among the council members to
properly prepare this department.
5. How, specifically, will we know that you are doing a good job?
The transition team has set up a communications team. It will be our duty to come up with definite criteria so that we
are measuring our progress. This progress will be publicized. My website will inform the people of District 10 of the County Council what I am accomplishing.