HRRC provides money management resources
“Penny pinching” and "dollar stretching” are terms once often laughed at. But, now as daily expenses are rising, many are taking these sayings to heart and putting them into practice. Most residents are concerned with expected increases in food, transportation, home heating, mortgage/rent payments and other expenses. Are you prepared? The Home Repair Resource Center (HRRC) offers monthly classes on budgeting to help you develop a monthly spending plan and find ways to save for unexpected expenses. Having a budget will also help you identify whether your income is sufficient to cover all of your expenses. If not, you can learn to develop a plan to reduce expenses and/or increase your income.
Improving Your Credit is a class that will help position you to be a preferred customer. Preferred customers often receive the best services from lenders, as well as lower interest rates on car and home loans. This two-hour class is jammed packed with information you probably don’t know about the credit industry. The next class is scheduled for Tuesday, September 16 at the HRRC office, 2520 Noble Road in Cleveland Heights, 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.
If you find that it may be difficult to make upcoming mortgage payments call the Home Repair Resource Center and inquire about our Foreclosure Intervention Program. Homes can be saved from foreclosure with early intervention strategies and communication with your lender. Don’t hesitate, call the HRRC for this confidential service.
Having healthy finances may mean putting penny pinching and dollar stretching strategies into practice. Results may vary; however, doing nothing will keep you just where you are now. HRRC provides confidential one-on-one financial counseling to Cleveland Heights residents free of charge, call 216-381-6100 to schedule your appointment or sign-up for classes.
Gail Jackson lives on East Derbyshire and works for the Home Repair Resource Center, which is a HUD-certified housing agency that provides a full range of services to homeowners and homebuyers. Visit the website at or call 216-381-6100 for more information on programs and services.