Prayer Vigil for Sunny Ravi Patel
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Reverend Don King of Hope Lutheran Church leads the community in prayer. Photo by Richard Stewart.
Attendees sing "Let There Be Peace on Earth." Photo by Richard Stewart.
State Representative Janine Boyd is among the first community member to drop a glass bead into a vase to symbolize the community's hopes and prayers for the family. Photo by Richard Stewart.
The crowd gathers at the top of the Cain Park sledding hill. Photo by Richard Stewart.
Reverand Joe Cherry of the Universal Unitarian Church leads the community in an "Ohm" ritual. Photo by Richard Stewart.
Cleveland Heights Mayor Cheryl Stephens places a glass bead in the vase. Photo by Richard Stewart.
Cleveland Heights Mayor Cheryl Stephens embraces Binta Patel, Sunny's aunt. Photo by Richard Stewart.
Binta Patel, Sunny's aunt, reads a statement from the family. Photo by Deanna Bremer Fisher.
Reverand Don King of Hope Lutheran Church leads the community in prayer. Photo by Deanna Bremer Fisher.
Binta Patel reads a statement on behalf of the family. Photo by Deanna Bremer Fisher.