FutureHeights Annual Meeting
FutureHeights unveiled the print edition of the Heights Observer at its annual meeting on Thursday, April 10, 2008 at the Heights Rockefeller Building. Media analyst Lauren Rich Fine spoke on Tomorrow's Paper: Hyperlocal. Thanks to the Heights Rockefeller Building and Phoenix Coffee for sponsoring the reception. Photos by Hugh Fisher and Jane Flaherty.
(click photo to enlarge)
President's Reception (photo by Jane Flaherty)
Annual Meeting Crowd (photo by Hugh Fisher)
Chuck Miller and Glenn Billington (photo by Hugh Fisher)
Chuck Miller, Glenn Billington, Mark Tumeo and Deanna Bremer Fisher (photo by Hugh Fisher)
Dan Slife and Michael Wellman (photo by Hugh Fisher)
Deanna Bremer Fisher (photo by Hugh Fisher)
Deanna Bremer Fisher, Gordon Wean and Jane Flaherty (photo by Hugh Fisher)
DL Meckes and Bill Grulich (photo by Hugh Fisher)
Beth Majewski and Greg Donley (photo by Hugh Fisher)
Jane Flaherty and Bob Youdelman (photo by Hugh Fisher)
Jessica Schreiber and Deanna Bremer Fisher (photo by Hugh Fisher)
Kathryn Lad and Deanna Bremer Fisher (photo by Hugh Fisher)
Lauren Rich Fine (photo by Hugh Fisher)
Mark Majewski (photo by Hugh Fisher)
Sarah Wean (photo by Hugh Fisher)
Judi and Steve Miles and Lee Chilcote (photo by Hugh Fisher)
Lita Gonzalez and Steve and Judi Miles (photo by Hugh Fisher)
Inaugural edition of Heights Observer unveiled (photo by Jane Flaherty)
Hugh Fisher (the man behind the camera; photo by Jane Flaherty)