Event Calendar
Events for Thursday, June 13, 2024
Cleveland Heights "Democracy Day" Public Hearing
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Think there’s too much money in politics?
Does it seem that corporations have too much power?
In 2013, Cleveland Heights voters passed, with a 77% “yes” vote, Issue 32 in support of a Constitutional Amendment clearly stating that corporations do not have Constitutional rights, and money is not speech.
Issue 32 also established annual public hearings “to examine the impact on our City, our state and our nation of political influence by corporate entities and big money in elections” and the harms of corporate rule.
Cleveland Heights City Council will hold the 11th Annual Public Hearing on June 13 at 7:00 p.m. at Cleveland Heights City Hall “Members of the general public will be afforded the opportunity to speak on these matters for up to five minutes per person.”
Whether you wish to speak or just to listen, please plan to attend.
It’s your democracy!
Cleveland Heights Move to Amend
Cleveland Heights City Hall, 40 Severance Circle, Cleveland Heights
Click here for more information
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Think there’s too much money in politics?
Does it seem that corporations have too much power?
In 2013, Cleveland Heights voters passed, with a 77% “yes” vote, Issue 32 in support of a Constitutional Amendment clearly stating that corporations do not have Constitutional rights, and money is not speech.
Issue 32 also established annual public hearings “to examine the impact on our City, our state and our nation of political influence by corporate entities and big money in elections” and the harms of corporate rule.
Cleveland Heights City Council will hold the 11th Annual Public Hearing on June 13 at 7:00 p.m. at Cleveland Heights City Hall “Members of the general public will be afforded the opportunity to speak on these matters for up to five minutes per person.”
Whether you wish to speak or just to listen, please plan to attend.
It’s your democracy!
Cleveland Heights Move to Amend
Cleveland Heights City Hall, 40 Severance Circle, Cleveland Heights
Click here for more information
Poetry in the Park
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Thursdays | June 13-July 18 | 6:30-8pm | 6th-12th grade | FREE
Poetry in the Park is a teen program that invites young poets and poetry enthusiasts to come together and express themselves in the serene setting of a local park. This program provides a platform for teenagers to share their original poems, engage in open mic sessions, and participate in creative writing workshops.
Lake Erie Ink: a writing space for youth
2843 Washington Blvd.
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Click here for more information
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Thursdays | June 13-July 18 | 6:30-8pm | 6th-12th grade | FREE
Poetry in the Park is a teen program that invites young poets and poetry enthusiasts to come together and express themselves in the serene setting of a local park. This program provides a platform for teenagers to share their original poems, engage in open mic sessions, and participate in creative writing workshops.
Lake Erie Ink: a writing space for youth
2843 Washington Blvd.
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Click here for more information