Event Calendar

Events for Wednesday, April 26, 2023

CH Racial Justice Task Force - Health and Education Subcommittee
6:00 PM
Racial Justice Task Force full committee meeting follows at 7 p.m.
Click here for more information
Open Mic for Teens
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Calling all teens/young adults with a poem or story to share – Bring a poem, song or story to share or write one while you attend!

Free event! For 6th-12th grade. Drop-ins welcome.
Lake Erie Ink
2843 Washington Blvd.
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Click here for more information
CH Earth Day Run
6:30 PM

Forest Hill Park
Click here for more information
Crowdsourced Conversations 2023 - Topic #1: Our Public Schools
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Students, parents, alumni, teachers, staff, and all other Heights community members: YOU'RE INVITED to the first Crowdsourced Conversations forum of 2023, this one on the topic of Our Public Schools.

Come ready to participate in meaningful small group discussions that are geared towards finding actions (small, medium, or large) that everyday residents can take to "be the change they wish to see" in their community, especially related to our topic of the evening.

Every small group will have a facilitator who will help guide the conversation and a notetaker to record your ideas as they emerge. After the event is over, you will receive a copy of your group's notes and have the opportunity to stay connected to the folks you met on event night.

Our small group discussion questions will be generated from the data we collected in our community-wide survey on the topic of Our Public Schools that was broadly shared in the Heights throughout the month of March -- hopefully, you got to participate in that survey, too!

We're looking forward to having your voice in the conversation on Wednesday, April 26 from 7pm-8:30pm at the Heights High School cafeteria.

This event is in-person only.
Heights High School
Click here for more information
Window Repair Class
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Home Repair Resource Center is offering a window repair class on Thursday, April 26th from 7-9 PM at their Teaching Center at 2520 Noble Rd.

Learn the basics of window repair with your own hands! In this workshop you'll work on a model window to make repairs like glass replacement, sash cord replacement, window glazing, screen repair, and more.

Fee $25
Home Repair Resource Center
2520 Noble Rd
Cleveland Heights, Oh 44121
Click here for more information