Event Calendar
Events for Saturday, March 4, 2023
Lake Erie Ink's 11th Annual Kids' Comic Con
10:00 AM - 4:15 PM
Create New Worlds @ Lake Erie Ink’s 11th Annual Kids’ Comic-Con!
Who’s coming to Comic Con?
Caleb Thusat
David and Misty Wilson
Gilberto Rivera
Joe Schorgle
Joe Sieracki
John Boucher
Juan Jose Fernandez
Kate Atherton
Matt Haberbusch
Michelle Littlejohn
Miguel Hernandez
Od Perry-Richardson
Samantha Green
Sequoia Bostick
Sevita Lochan
Valentino Zullo
And more to come!
Stay Tuned…
More Information and Registration Details Coming Soon!!! Check https://lakeerieink.org/kids-comic-con/ for updates and to register.
Lake Erie Ink
2843 Washington Blvd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Click here for more information
10:00 AM - 4:15 PM
Create New Worlds @ Lake Erie Ink’s 11th Annual Kids’ Comic-Con!
Who’s coming to Comic Con?
Caleb Thusat
David and Misty Wilson
Gilberto Rivera
Joe Schorgle
Joe Sieracki
John Boucher
Juan Jose Fernandez
Kate Atherton
Matt Haberbusch
Michelle Littlejohn
Miguel Hernandez
Od Perry-Richardson
Samantha Green
Sequoia Bostick
Sevita Lochan
Valentino Zullo
And more to come!
Stay Tuned…
More Information and Registration Details Coming Soon!!! Check https://lakeerieink.org/kids-comic-con/ for updates and to register.
Lake Erie Ink
2843 Washington Blvd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Click here for more information
Lake Erie Ink's 11th Annual Kids' Comic Con
9:30 PM - 4:15 PM
Create New Worlds @ Lake Erie Ink’s 11th Annual Kids’ Comic Con!
Saturday, March 4: Comic Con Workshops, Speakers & Artist Alley 10am-4:15pm
For kids 8-18, doors open @ 9:30am, $15 for all day, scholarships available
Registration opens February 8th! lakeerieink.org/kids-comic-con
Friday, March, 3: Teen Party @ BSide Lounge, Cosplay Fashion Show, Trivia, Prizes & more
For teens 12+ , $10
Friday & Saturday Virtual Options:
Friday, March 3: FREE Virtual Drawing Workshop with a Nickelodeon Artist
Saturday, March 4: FREE Virtual All Ages Comic Workshop with Marc Sumerak & others
Before the main event for Adults and Teens –
Friday, February 24th @ Visible Voice Bookstore, 7-8:30pm
Guest Artist Panel on Comics and Community: Building New Worlds
A special thanks for the support from these fine folks:
The Tabor Family, Cuyahoga Arts & Culture, The Cyrus Eaton Foundation, Mac’s Backs, Ohio Art Council, and Fabre Castel
Lake Erie Ink
2843 Washington Blvd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
2843 Washington Blvd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Click here for more information
9:30 PM - 4:15 PM
Create New Worlds @ Lake Erie Ink’s 11th Annual Kids’ Comic Con!
Saturday, March 4: Comic Con Workshops, Speakers & Artist Alley 10am-4:15pm
For kids 8-18, doors open @ 9:30am, $15 for all day, scholarships available
Registration opens February 8th! lakeerieink.org/kids-comic-con
Friday, March, 3: Teen Party @ BSide Lounge, Cosplay Fashion Show, Trivia, Prizes & more
For teens 12+ , $10
Friday & Saturday Virtual Options:
Friday, March 3: FREE Virtual Drawing Workshop with a Nickelodeon Artist
Saturday, March 4: FREE Virtual All Ages Comic Workshop with Marc Sumerak & others
Before the main event for Adults and Teens –
Friday, February 24th @ Visible Voice Bookstore, 7-8:30pm
Guest Artist Panel on Comics and Community: Building New Worlds
A special thanks for the support from these fine folks:
The Tabor Family, Cuyahoga Arts & Culture, The Cyrus Eaton Foundation, Mac’s Backs, Ohio Art Council, and Fabre Castel
Lake Erie Ink
2843 Washington Blvd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
2843 Washington Blvd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Click here for more information