Daily Question

Question for Tuesday, March 12th, 2013: Previous Next

The LFC buildings subcommittee recommended an elementary school in University Heights in each of its six scenarios; however, at the March 6 LFC meeting, the LFC did not vote on a specific resolution to require a UH elementary school. Do you think it important that the LFC vote to specifically recommend a UH elementary school or do you think doing so would tie the district’s hands?

Yes. UH has a long history of not supporting school levies. Not to have an elementary school available to the community is very short sighted.
What if the Wiley site is developed into an elementary school campus with a CH-UH Library branch on it, as well as expanded and modernized facilities so that the community can utilize it as a community center. Not only would this put upward pressure on home values, but enhance the quality of life for all.
No. That decision needs to be taken as part of a larger matrix of many factors, not just in response to pressure from a small but vocal group.
I think it is telling that they wouldn't take a vote. The fact is that anything can change with regards to the elementary schools after the first bond is passed. Not taking a public vote indicates to me that at least some if not most of the committee would push to remove the elementary school in UH once the first bond is passed, because they don't believe in the necessity/importance of this issue. Without a vote, we won't know how they truly feel.
Yes, I think it is important for the community to know that the citizens who are on the LFC (many of these are people who have shaped and influenced the direction of ours schools behind the scenes for years and will likely continue to do so long into the future) are really committed to keeping an elementary school in UH. This will be a long term project. The District Administration and BoE will likely change throughout. The only constant will be the citizens of this community. If the LFC avoids voting on this issue, it tells me they are NOT committed to having a school in UH and are just appearing to do so right now to get the bond issue passed.